Here we list some equipment we have rebuilt or have a severely reduced price as clearance items.
We don’t buy second hand items, everything here is from old stock or our recycling and rebuilding of donated items. Most rebuilt PCs are sold on the basis of the time and any new parts we’ve replaced or added. In many cases the rebuilt machine is faster than a low spec. new system (which we don’t sell, but you see on the high street).
When you normally see older machines for sale they often have original disk drives in them. As these are the components that wear out most often, we replace these on machines we rebuild, with new fast SSD technology. This gives an approx. 5x boost to boot up and disk access speeds which makes most second hand systems feel much faster than new systems using traditional disks.
Second hand machines are all supplied fully configured, so you don’t have to mess about with Windows version updates, drivers etc. We do all the technical preparation, the same as if you were to get a new generation machine from us.

Linux Desktop PC
Refurbished system in a new Gigabyte GZ-MK case.
AMD FX 4350 Quad core processor , 8GB RAM, 240GB SSD and a DVDRW. Linux Mint 21.3, fully installed and updated, ready to use.
£100 inc. VAT (£83.34+VAT), 3 month warranty
Note: Good for standard Home PC tasks such as web browsing and document editing.

Acer Aspire X3990
i3-3220 Dual core processor with hyperthreading, 8GB (dual channel 2x4GB) RAM, 240GB SSD and a DVDRW. Windows 10 Home (supported until Nov 2025), fully installed and updated, ready to use.
£100 inc. VAT (£83.34+VAT), 3 month warranty
Note: Good for standard PC tasks, Ex-customer rebuild.

Acer Aspire XC600
i5-2300 Quad core processor with hyperthreading, 8GB (dual channel 2x4GB) RAM, 240GB SSD and a DVDRW. WiFi Card, Windows 10 Pro (supported until Nov 2025), fully installed and updated, ready to use.
£SOLD inc. VAT (£+VAT), 3 month warranty
Note: Good for standard PC tasks, Ex-customer rebuild.

Belkin ADSL Modem with wireless G router and wireless G USB network adapter – £9 (inc VAT)