
General Customer Support

If you require support for IT equipment purchased off us and don’t have an active support plan please call us on

0161 483 6656

(Note: We are Fast and Easy Computers not a fasting company)

Remote control

We can offer one off remote support sessions starting at 1/2hr for £30.

Many problems, security checks etc. can be done remotely and offer an instant solution rather than a visit to us in person.

Please give us a call on 0161 483 6656 for details.

Ideally your machine needs to be running windows 10, so we can use Microsoft’s built in quick assist mechanism.

Contracted support customers

For customers with a support plan please call us on our dedicated line 0161 483 6654 or email

If it is an urgent request please call rather than email, as most urgent problems need a discussion to diagnose or solve quickly.